How To Recognize Skin Cancer – This Could Save Your Life!

One of the most common diseases in the US is skin cancer. Approximately 5 million people receive the skin cancer treatment every year. So, statistics show that every year the number of patients that are diagnosed with skin cancer is greater than patients that are diagnosed with breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer together.

It is very unfortunate but experts claim that one in five Americans develops skin cancer at one point in their life. So, what you need to do here is be able to recognize the signs of skin cancer. This will literally change your life, especially when it is a question of life and death. Therefore, we advise you to be very careful about the following symptoms.

How to Recognize Skin Cancer- Symptoms

1. You will have irregular, asymmetric moles. The normal ones usually look very round and symmetric.

2. Any moles that have unequal and interrupted borders.

3. Normal moles usually are in one color. If there are different colors like black, brown, gray, and blue, then it means that there is something wrong.

4. The diameter of the mole needs to be larger than a quarter inch.

5. There will usually be changes in the mole through your life. It will change in color, shape, and size.

Therefore, if you see or feel that read more

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8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying for Help

Our bodies are a mechanism where many things happen simultaneously. Sometimes, the body can give us some signs that something is not quite working as it should. What we need to do is not ignore those signs because they might point to health issues. Thus,we are here today to tell you about some sings that you should look out for.


Our bodies usually crave certain foods because of hormonal changes such as during pregnancy. However, this can also be a sign of issues with the liver and gall bladder. In case you start craving sour foods and you are not pregnant it is wise to visit your doctor and ask for advice.


The usual cause for bleeding from the gums is improper or no dental hygiene at all. Flossing once a year will probably cause your gums to bleed a bit. However, if it happens too often it can be a sign that your body lacks vitamin C. Instead of taking supplements try getting more vitamin C from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables.


We have all experienced cramps and insomnia at certain points in our lives, but if they occur too often they could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential for the brain, muscle and heart function and health. If you experience insomnia read more

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This Powerful Homemade Cream Will Erase the Wrinkles From Your Face and Make You Look Younger!

With age come physical changes that people and especially women do not like.

These are changes that occur and improve gradually and that is why this process is called the ageing process.

Women usually care more for these physical changes and try to find ways to improve or reduce them.

These changes include wrinkles and women search for different ways to reduce them. Well, look no more because there is a cream that can slow down that process and give you many beautification benefits.

Do not reach for over the counter products and try this natural recipe for a homemade cream that can return the elasticity of the skin.

This is very important, lack of elasticity is the number one problem that causes wrinkles. Do not waste any more money and try this cheap and effective cream remedy:


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 2 drops of essential thyme oil
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E


Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl. Transfer the mixture into an empty eye cream box or any other suitable container and use it to apply on the area around the eyes.

Massage gently for better absorption and better effects. It works best if you apply it before going to bed.

This mixture will bring you a lot of skin benefits due to the ingredients.

The coconut oil is well known for its rejuvenating read more

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Soak Your Feet In Vinegar Once a Week and You Will See How All Your Diseases Disappear

Apple cider vinegar has a scent that shows that it contains a lot of active substances and compounds. In fact, it is able to eliminate the bacteria and the germs which can harm the organism.

The ACV will provide you with many benefits if you only use it on the feet once a week. Some people think that the smell of it is unpleasant and they cannot stand it. Nevertheless, you need to try because the ACV will eliminate and destroy the bacteria and germs.

If you want to destroy bacteria and germs you need to put your feet in a mix of apple cider vinegar and water in an equal amount. You need to use warm water. Then, you need to soak the feet for 45 minutes and use pumice stones to exfoliate the feet. This will soften your skin and the calluses will be gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatments

ACV can treat:

  • digestive issues,
  • respiratory issues and
  • getting rid of extra weight.

If you soak the feet in it, it will disinfect the feet and kill the microbes, bacteria and the bad odor of the feet.

Bath for Your Feet

First, heat the water until it reaches 15 to 18 degrees. Make sure you put it in a big water container afterward. Then, put an equal amount of ACV inside the contains. Moreover, you can also add some essential oil inside, like lavender for instance. This way you will be able to improve the smell if you mind read more

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Chiropractor Urges Everyone ‘Never Sleep on Your Right Side’

The lack of sleep can be the reason behind various chronic conditions, depression, sickness, obesity, and high blood pressure. However, even if you are getting the recommended 7-8 hours sleep every night, if you sleep in the wrong position, you will again face problems like neck pain, wrinkles, and stomach issues.

To boost the benefits of sleep, you need to pay attention to the way you spend the night.

According to the sleep expert Doctor John Douillar, it is best to sleep on the left side, and here is why:

-By sleeping on the left side, you will reduce heartburn and help digestion

-Sleeping on the left side is also beneficial in case you snore or suffer from obstructive sleep apnea

-This sleeping position relieves the pressure on the spine so it will also help you to reduce the chronic back pain

-The left body side is the lymphatic side, meaning that this sleeping position will support the healthy function of the lymphatic system and the elimination of toxins, waste and lymph fluids from the body

-If you sleep on the left side, you will improve heart health, as gravity will help the drainage of the lymph nodes towards the heart and ease its work

-Sleeping on read more

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Homemade Mixture That Will Clean Your Colon of Toxic Waste

Your colon is one of the most important organs in your digestive system and if it isn’t working properly you could experience a number of medical issues. According to statistics more than 50 million people in the States have some kind of medical problem linked to colon health.

Even though a number of these problems are nothing serious, like headaches and acne, some people experience more difficult consequences, such as:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Crohn’s Disease
Acid Reflux

Statistics show that every year around 100,000 people go to colostomy surgery due to colon issues. And this is largely due to the fact that our can colons contain up to 20 pounds of toxic waste at any time, because of the unhealthy food we eat, rich in processed sugars, and insufficient enzymes and fibers.

If you want to heave a healthy colon and prevent any complications we recommend you try the following natural remedy. This remedy will improve your overall health and will effectively detoxify your colon. It’s rich in fibers, nutrients and vitamins and will help you get rid of all the toxins from your body. Apple Honey Remedy


    • 1 cup of water
    • 1 tbsp. of organic honey
    • 1 tbsp. of Chia seeds
    • 1 tbsp. of flax seed
    • 1 apple


    Place everything in a blender and blend read more

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Drink This Before Each Meal and Lose Weight Extremely Fast

Experts have learned that we should drink before, during and after our meal to not only ensure our food digests properly but also helps break down fat. Yes, that’s right, there’s a drink we can drink before each meal to ensure our fat gets broken down which in turn helps us lose weight.

Before every meal, board-certified physician, Dr. Oz has what he calls a secret swimsuit slim down drink of a choice. It’s a mixture of grapefruit juice and apple cider vinegar.

Here’s the recipe:

  •  1 cup grapefruit/orange/pineapple
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Eliminate All Stuck Stools and Deflate Your Belly With a Single Spoonful of This!

A lot of people dream to have the perfect body, the thin legs, flat belly, arms without fat accumulation, and other things. So, we are here today to show you how it is possible to achieve all of this without spending a lot of time exercising, stopping your eating habits or trying different surgeries. Thus, a powerful remedy for belly disinflammation sounds great! The only thing you need to prepare this natural remedy is two ingredients only.

Deflate Your Belly With This Remedy

The two ingredients that you need are lemon and chia. The lemon shake and chia seeds can give you many benefits for your health.

Lemon is full of anti-viral and antioxidant ingredients and these will help our bodies to debug and maintain all diseases away.

Also, the lemon contains high fiber which can eliminate all kinds of toxins in our organism. On the other hand, the chia is full of fiber and antioxidants seed which are perfect for our health. Just combine the two and you will get the most amazing results ever!

Check out the recipe.

The Recipe with Chia Seeds and Lemon

The Ingredients:

  • a glass of water
  • a spoonful of chia seeds
  • one spoon of lemon juice
  • a spoonful of honey

The Preparation:

First, let the chia seeds to sit in a glass of water for one hour so that they can hydrate. Then, remove them and mix them with all the other ingredients. Afterward, bring the preparation to the blender, and blend read more

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7 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar!

We all know how delicious sugar is, but, if we consume it in bigger doses it can be harmful to our health. If you knew how it impacts your body, you would never see it the same. In fact, there are many red flags our body sends us if we consume too much sugar, and today we will show them.

7 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

1. Lack of Energy and Tiredness

If you are feeling tired and fatigued most of the time, this means that you are having too much sugar in your diet. Naturally, these foods boost the carbohydrates and give you energy, but this is only temporary. So, if you are feeling tired most of the time, check to see if you are consuming too much sugar.

2. Carb/Sugar Cravings

If you are craving sugar all the time, it is more likely to become a sugar addict. So, if you cannot have a moment of not consuming carbs, then you will be very addicted to sugar.

3. Frequent Flu and Cold

If you are ill all the time, this can be due to too much sugar in your diet. So, every virus will find you and make you sick. Sugar weakens the immune system and makes your ability to fight flu, colds, viruses and chronic disease weaker.

4, The Brain Gets Foggy (Especially After Meals)

Fog represents low blood sugar. If you are having too much of it, then the levels of blood sugar rise and fall rapidly, instead of gradually. Thus, poor control of sugar is a great risk read more

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How to Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels Naturally and Never Feel Depressed or Anxious Again

The main chemical of the brain is dopamine. This neurotransmitter is responsible for many mental and physical processes. In fact, if you know how to stimulate the dopamine levels naturally, you will be able to overcome depression, anxiety, apathy, and fear, while at the same time you will boost feelings of pleasure.

Dopamine usually rewards some behaviors in us so we want to do them again. This is why some drugs are very addictive. For instance, cocaine, heroin, and other opiates can cause a reward of dopamine and this is why we like to try them again. Well, that is until you get a crash when the drug is absent from the physiology.

Opiates usually bind to the opiate receptors in the brain and these increase the release of dopamine. However, when this is gone, then there comes the need for more drugs to have the same high. This is why drug addicts usually would do anything to get their fix.

Studies on Dopamine

For instance, there have been some experiments done on mice and it was realized that when the same nerve bundle that usually causes an opiate release was stimulated when pressed a lever, the mice would press the lever thousands of times in an hour. This was all because of increased levels of dopamine. read more

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