Tag: Natural Remedy

Natural Remedy To Straighten Your Hair Without a Straightener

There is always a desire to have something which is not there with us.The girls with straight hair always find it cool to have curls while the girls with curls work hard to keep the hair straight.

The electric hair straightener and curlers are widely used by young girls which are very harmful to the texture of your hair.

It makes a permanent damage to the hair which leads to hair fall, gray hair issues, stunted hair growth and many more.

You will be surprised to know that there are some natural ways which can help you get straight hair instantly.

The natural remedy is the perfect answer if you are looking for ways how to straighten your hair. The recipe not only straightens your hair but also provides shiny and healthy hair.

Things you need

  • Lemon juice- 3 tbsp
  • Olive oil- 2 tbsp
  • Coconut oil- 1 cup
  • Cornstarch- 3 tbsp


  1. Take 1 cup of coconut oil and add 2 tbsp of olive oil to it.
  2. Add 3 tbsp each of lemon juice and cornstarch to it.
  3. Mix it well
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Swallow THIS, Fall Asleep Almost Instantly, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed

Do you have difficulty falling asleep and wake up in the middle of the night?

Chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of chronic health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

The good news is, there is a simple mixture which can help you sleep like a baby.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of raw honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt

How to prepare and use the mixture?

1st option:

Combine honey and coconut oil in a bowl and add some salt. Mix well. Consume one tbsp. of the mixture, and then have a glass of water.

2nd option:

Take coconut oil and raw honey separately, and have a glass of water. Then you can add sea salt in a small cup of water and consume it.

In case you wake up in the middle of the night, take the mixture again and you will fall back asleep in an hour or less.

Why this mixture helps?

Coconut oil is rich in healthy fats which supply your body with energy during the night. Consuming it before going to sleep prevents waking up hungry. It also prevents increasing of the blood sugar levels which often is the cause for sleeping disorders.

Honey improves the quality of your sleep. It provides proper amount of storage of liver glycogen for the brain. When there is lack of glycogen to provide energy for the brain, the read more

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7,000 Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here Are 7 Amazing Ways How You Can Use It, Including Cancer Prevention

You can feel free to call it the golden spice. The turmeric gains it’s name not only as a result of its yellow color, but also by the reason it has many health benefits. It is the most known culinary spice which spans cultures, and it is a major ingredient in Indian curries, and it turns American mustard yellow.

And despite its great use in cooking, this has amazed scientists for really long time in terms of its medical uses. This is a tropical plant which belongs to the family Zingiberaseae and is native to India and cultivated throughout the tropics around the world.


The legend says that when the baby Jesus was born, three wise men coming fro the East went to see him and brought him gifts. They had brought him gold, frankincense and myrrh and there are some records that many people believed that gold actually refers to the commonly used spice of the time – turmeric.

This has a unique role in Indian culture and spirituality too. It was used to worship Sun God, and the masses wore turmeric as a piece of forgiveness process.

It was as well used by Buddhists monks who travelled in different places all around the world, in order to dye their robes. There exists some evidence that the read more

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English Ivy – Natural Remedy For Cough, Bronchitis & Asthma

This one is a plant also that also goes by its Latin name Hedera Helix. This green plant can grow up to 30m high and has aerial roots that help it creep stones and trees. It has some shiny broad green leaves that are poisonous if eaten raw. But, even though it is dangerous, when it is prepared properly, the ivy can treat respiratory problems such as asthma, coughs and bronchitis.

Health benefits of English ivy (Cough, Bronchitis & Asthma)

When it is being consumed in the form of tea in small amounts, the plant can be beneficial for your health. This ivy was very much used as treatment of nasal polyps, bladder and kidney inflammation, eye diseases and bone problems. While in the past, the people used the plant to treat skin disorders and minor wounds. When it is being  mixed with mint and parsley, it can be used to resolve internal diseases, but it should be consumed carefully.

When used in small amounts, this plant can treat rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases, as well as clean your blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis, relieve stomach inflammation and regulate your menstrual cycle. It is actually also effective against a variety of respiratory problems including asthma, read more

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Fat Burner Drink – For Extreme Weight Loss (10 Kgs)

Weight loss and weight maintenance can be a real challenge, especially to those who love eating. Plus, we all tend to lead busy lives, which means there’s very little, if any, time left for regular physical activity.

Now, you probably hear all the time about weight loss methods that have fast efficacy, but most of these are either quite expensive or fail to give the desired results.

The recipe we recommend here is extremely beneficial for burning stubborn fat deposits in the abdominal area, but also for improving your overall health. Plus, it combines healthy nutrients that boost your metabolism to burn fat faster and cleanse your body from toxins.

Best of all, this recipe has super fast efficacy, and on average, you can drop about 20 pounds of weight if you consume it regularly.


The recipe combines just 4 simple ingredients – aloe vera, lemon, ginger and honey, all of which are extremely health beneficial.

  • Aloe Vera is one of the top super foods on the planet. For one thing, it contains more than 75 active vitamins and minerals and has high nutritional value. Plus, it’s abundant in amino and fatty acids.
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Homemade Mixture That Will Clean Your Colon of Toxic Waste

Your colon is one of the most important organs in your digestive system and if it isn’t working properly you could experience a number of medical issues. According to statistics more than 50 million people in the States have some kind of medical problem linked to colon health.

Even though a number of these problems are nothing serious, like headaches and acne, some people experience more difficult consequences, such as:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Crohn’s Disease
Acid Reflux

Statistics show that every year around 100,000 people go to colostomy surgery due to colon issues. And this is largely due to the fact that our can colons contain up to 20 pounds of toxic waste at any time, because of the unhealthy food we eat, rich in processed sugars, and insufficient enzymes and fibers.

If you want to heave a healthy colon and prevent any complications we recommend you try the following natural remedy. This remedy will improve your overall health and will effectively detoxify your colon. It’s rich in fibers, nutrients and vitamins and will help you get rid of all the toxins from your body. Apple Honey Remedy


    • 1 cup of water
    • 1 tbsp. of organic honey
    • 1 tbsp. of Chia seeds
    • 1 tbsp. of flax seed
    • 1 apple


    Place everything in a blender and blend read more

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