Tag: Liver

Here Are 16 Signs Which Show You That Your Liver Is Overloaded with Different Toxins That Make You Fat!

The liver is a very important organ – it is responsible for over 400 processes in the body and it acts as a filter for every toxic material that enters our body. It is mainly responsible for filtering toxins besides controlling numerous other functions.

Besides digesting fats and storing vitamins and minerals, the liver also processes nutrients from the food you consume, which is why we need to keep it in perfect shape at all times.

The liver has two pathways for detoxification:

  • Phase 1 of liver detoxification – This phase involves using enzymes to transform these lipid-soluble toxins into less harmful substances that Phase 2 can now handle.
  • Phase 2 of liver detoxification – It involves pairing these battered up toxins with other molecules which increase their water-solubility so they can be safely removed from the body through the means of elimination.

Even if you follow a healthy lifestyle, drink pure water, eat organic foods, use toxin-free cleaning and personal care products, you are still exposed to toxins. Toxins from the environment, (air, soil, water, cars, factories, plastics) are factors that cannot be controlled.

Is your liver sluggish?

When the liver becomes sluggish, toxins are no longer able to leave the body and are instead stored in fat tissue (since they are lipid-soluble) and they will hang out there until liver function improves and they can be safely eliminated. This can be a huge factor as to why you aren’t shedding extra weight even with a healthy diet and exercise.

There is a variety of tell-tale symptoms of a stressed out liver, regardless of the degree of read more

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6 Clear Warning Signs Your Liver Is Full of Toxins and Making You Fat (How to Stop it)

The organ in our body that is responsible for destroying the toxins is the liver. It plays an important part in our body. It is also really important with the kind of lifestyle we are living nowadays and all the toxins we are surrounded by.

Thus, if there is a problem with it, the toxins gather and result in fat cells in the stomach area.

What is Fatty Liver Disease?

When you have excess fat in the liver, or more than 5-10% than the normal amount, this disease appears.

This disease is actually divided in two categories: alcoholic and non-alcoholic one. The alcoholic one happen due to excess consumption of alcohol and the non-alcoholic one is due to movements of cholesterol levels and genetics.

If the organ needs detox, you will notice some signs, and we are here today to present them to you.

Signs that Point that Your Liver Needs Cleansing


If the organ functions as it should, it releases antibodies to destroy allergens. If it is not in good shape, the body stores the allergens and the brain starts producing histamine which causes itches, headaches, etc.

Chronic Fatigue

Toxins also cause muscle pain and fatigue which can lead to mood swings and depression.

Sudden Weight Gain

If the liver is not getting rid of the toxins as it should, everything you do to keep the body fit will not help. This is because read more

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Warning Signs That You Have a Fatty Liver Ways and How to Cleanse It

The liver is an important organ located in the upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for more than a hundred important processes. This is why you need to learn the symptoms of liver damage and how to treat the condition properly.

12 early symptoms of damaged liver

There are more than 100 different liver diseases and each one has different symptoms. The most common ones are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis and fatty liver disease. The symptoms of these diseases are often misdiagnosed and detected far too late to be able to act. Here are some of the most common liver disease symptoms:

Upset stomach

Vomiting and nausea are the usual symptoms of many diseases including food poisoning, motion sickness, vertigo, depression, early pregnancy and others. However, they are also a sign of liver damage and occur due to the organ’s inability to filter toxins.

Loss of appetite

When damaged, the liver can’t produce enough bile, which results in loss of appetite as the food isn’t properly digested.


Feeling tired all the time can be an indication of liver damage as the organ works harder when attacked. In this case, more toxins accumulate read more

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6 Signs That Your Liver is Full of Toxins

The largest solid organ in the body is the liver and its main function is to transform toxins into waste, and then, the body removes them through urine and feces. This is one of the most important functions of our body due to the true fact that today and nowadays we are constantly and each and every day surrounded by pollutants and toxins.

Very unfortunately, our livers can become very overwhelmed and therefore not capable to remove, which is, to get rid of the waste, that can consequently lead to storage in fat cells, most often in the area of our belly.

The is naturally an organ that contains fat so therefore there shall be some fat in it at all times, but when the case is that the fat is more than 5 to 10 percent of the total weight of the organ, it results to a fatty liver.

Two types of fatty livers diseases exist: Non-alcoholic fatty livers disease and alcoholic livers disease. The alcoholic livers disease appears as a result of excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, and the non-alcoholic fatty livers disease is a result of some non-alcoholic factors such as high cholesterol, large consumption of processed and fast foods, genetics or chemical influences.

The symptoms that can read more

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The Recipe Doctors Will Not Tell You: Your Liver Will Be Like A New And You Will Look 10 Years Younger!

There are many important actions that are performed by the liver. Some of the are: discharge of the toxins, burning fat etc…

Bad nutrition and habits affect the work of the organs in the body, including the liver. The liver’s function can be impaired and it needs to recover. You should consume healthy food and eliminate all of the harmful ingredients. The following beverage has many benefits, some of which are: Recovered liver, strengthened immunity, clean body, detoxified body. It as well prevents infection and inflammation, it is anti-cancer, antioxidant and leads to improved metabolism, reduced cholesterol and blood sugar and it has good effects on the skin.

Needed ingredients:

  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • A handful of parsley;
  • 200ml of water


Blend all of the ingredients and prepare yourself a nice drink. Consume it for a month at least two times a day. After that, take a break of two  weeks. Repeat the treatment after the break.

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12 Ways Your Body Tries to Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

A poor diet, unhealthy weight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease can put you at risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Affecting 1 in 10 Australians, it’s one of the most common causes of liver problems.

Fat builds up in the liver cells when the liver fails to break down, transfer and store fat effectively, causing abnormal liver function and inflammation,which can lead to liver scarring (known as cirrhosis).

The liver which is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen is the largest solid organ in your body. It is protected by the ribs and responsible for many functions in your body system. Simply put, you cannot live without your liver.

With that being said, it is important for you to take care of your liver the best way you can. Another thing you also need to know is the early symptoms of liver damage so you can prevent a more advanced health issue.

12 Early Symptoms of Liver Damage :

When it comes the liver, there are many different kinds of disease that can affect the health of your liver.

Each of it has it out signs. Some of those diseases are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Unfortunately, the early symptoms read more

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