Quick, Easy, Cheap Home Remedy to Get Rid of Skin Tags

Skin tags are medically known as Acrochorda and they are actually small skin growths that have been caused by rubbing or frictions. They usually appear on the armpits, neck, face, chest, and around the groin. Most of the time they are harmless, but sometimes they might show a more grave issue and they need to be checked by a doctor.

However, they can still cause discomfort and make you feel unpleasant. Dr. Doug Willen is offering you a simple and easy way to get rid of them naturally.

All you have to do is use apple cider vinegar. It can help you immensely if you have skin tags, acne, and moles.

Let’s see how to use it.

Cheap Home Remedy to Get Rid of Skin Tags

The Ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • Cotton ball

The Instructions:

First, you need to clear the area with water and soap. When you do, pat dry the skin with a towel. Then, soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Make sure you squeeze the excessive vinegar and apply it on the affected area. Do this a couple of times during the day.

Apple cider vinegar is acidic, so, this means that it can cause a mild burning or itching sensation. However, if it continues to do so, dilute the vinegar with a couple of drops of water.

You will soon notice, in most cases even after a week that the skin tag will start to become lighter and lighter read more

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5 Exercises To Avoid Stubborn Double Chin

A double chin is extremely unattractive, and even though it is more common in full-bodied people, slim people can struggle with it as well.

Yet, the following 5 tips will help you get rid of it in a simple and easy way:

Read these tips and try them for yourself. Do them in your free time and the result will be amazing.

  1. The Excellent Face Form

Just push the jaw forward and then turn the head to strain the muscles. Then, switch sides.

  1. The Ladle

You should wrap the lower lip over the lower teeth, tilt the head, scoop up, relax the lips, and close the mouth.  Do 7-10 repetitions.

  1. The Ducklips

Lift the head up, and pucker the lips to boost the elasticity of the neck muscles.

  1. Fighting

To get rid of the double chin, whenever you are watching TV, hold the fists under the chin.

  1. Touch the Nose

Touch the nose with the tongue and hold one finger under the chin. Repeat several times.

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Just Spray This Oil and You Will Never See Mold Again!

Mold in the house is extremely unpleasant and dangerous issue, as it endangers health in many ways.

However, there is a perfectly efficient natural method to eliminate mold. All you need to use is tea tree oil, which has been used for centuries by the Aborigines, to heal wounds, burns, and cuts.  Luckily, we present you a simple and effective solution to this household problem.

They crushed the tea tree leaves and applied them to the affected place. Then, they applied mud to secure it. Back in the 20s, Australian researchers found these miraculous properties of tea tree oil.

Moreover, they discovered that the antiseptic properties of this oil are even a hundred times more powerful than the carbolic acid, which is a germicide used in that period.

Recent studies have found that tea tree oil treats various respiratory problems, from sore throats and a runny nose to asthma, bronchitis,  and tuberculosis.

Its antibiotic properties treat skin conditions, like rashes, burns, and even dandruff. Additionally, it is great in the case of germs and molds.

This is how to prepare this amazing spray to get rid of mold in the house:

You will need:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil
  • One spray bottle


Mix the water and the oil, and pour the mixture read more

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32 Warning Signs That You Immediately Need Magnesium and How to Get It

Deficiency of one nutrient can impact your health. Health problems are increasing rapidly. The American diet has changed significantly. Due to this, chronic nutrient deficiencies are also increasing. Poor health has become common now.

The most common nutritional deficiency is that of magnesium. Body needs magnesium for a variety of reasons. Magnesium is difficult to obtain from food.

Why is it difficult to obtain sufficient magnesium?

It was once easy to get your daily dose of magnesium. Eating what you grew would provide magnesium since soil has a lot of magnesium. But modern farming has destroyed the magnesium present in soil.

It is found in dark leafy greens, nuts, beans, seeds and mackerel. There are also supplements giving magnesium.

The following are 32 symptoms that show you could be deficient in magnesium.

  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety
  • Osteoporosis
  • Seizures
  • High blood pressure
  • Migraines
  • Type II diabetes
  • Dizziness
  • Cystitis
  • Constipation
  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Raynaud’s syndrome: may lead to numbness in extremities, color changes in skin as a result of temperature changes, and cold fingers or toes
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Heart issues
  • Muscle cramps
  • Bowel disease
  • Hypertension
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Asthma
  • Potassium deficiency: leads to  fluid retention, irritability, and extreme thirst,
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Tremors
  • Blood clots
  • Fertility/childbearing issues: preeclampsia, preterm labor, problems in conceiving or staying pregnant
  • Tooth decay
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Personality changes: mood swings, depression, anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory difficulties

In order to prevent or solve this issue, you should regularly consume foods rich in this important mineral. However, you may still experience magnesium deficiency issues and not get the  recommended daily value.

Hence, you need to take supplements, one capsule a day. Yet, you need to be extremely cautious, as numerous supplements may include harmful ingredients, like gluten, read more

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If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s The Surprising Effect It’ll Have on Your Body

Sleeping is one of the most important activities for our health. Lack of sleep can be detrimental to the health. However, did you know that sleeping naked provides even more benefits than sleeping with clothes? Less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. Sleeping naked has some amazing health benefits, physically and psychologically.

Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Improves Sleep

People who sleep naked have better sleep than the ones who sleep with clothes. The body temperature naturally declines and if your ear clothes, it disrupts that cycle. As a result, you toss and turn, and have irregular sleeping patterns. On the other hand, sleeping naked will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby.

Prevents Bacteria

Sleeping naked will prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Moreover, it will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable.

Promotes Weight Loss

If you sleep naked, your cortisol levels decrease, you sleep better, and that promotes the weight loss process. If you want to shed some pounds, you have the solution.

Feeling More Frisky

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Did You Know That You Can Detox Your Body Through Your Feet?

The busy lifestyle we lead in the modern world nowadays causes great problems for our health. It especially causes problems to our feet. In any minute of the day, they carry a great load. If you’re a woman and you walk in high heels, it only becomes worse.

This makes numerous women from the whole world to be in a very bad mood and extremely tired. There aren’t many people who pay special attention to their feet.

This can lead to the appearance of cracked heels, fungal infections and varicose veins which also cause your legs and feet to look bad.

According to many people, this is an untreatable problem, but luckily, numerous natural remedies can offer you great help.

After a hard day at work, you can indulge in a relaxing foot soak. It will eliminate the odor and relax your legs, but also make all the fungi and bacteria disappear. They are especially bad for your feet.

Sea salt is very beneficial, because your iodine levels will be increased and your feet will be toned. Here, we’re presenting you a recipe with Epsom salt and olive oil that will help you relieve the pain and relax after a hard day at work!


  • A bowl of hot water
  • Olive oil
  • Mint tea
  • Epsom salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Peppermint essential oil


Combine all of the ingredients read more

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If Your Body Suddenly Jerks While You Are Falling Asleep, This Is What it Means

Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our body does is twitching before you fall asleep. If this has been happening to you we want to tell you not to panic, you are not the only one. Sometimes, after a long day, you are in your bed and ready to sleep. However, there is a sudden interruption by twitching and this makes you wonder what could be wrong. Just continue reading.

The Hypnic Twitch Before Falling Asleep

According to scientists, this is known as the hypnic twitch and it resembles a feeling or falling thus making your body twitch. Some scientists believe that it might be the consumption of caffeine before bed or certain medications like Adderal and Ritalin. However, this also goes for people who are very exhausted and who finally go to sleep, but too fast. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot keep up with the sleep phases.

One hypothesis says that this happens because you are starting to dream but you are not fully asleep and this is a symptoms of both of these things fighting.

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Best Exercises to Lose Arm Fat In Two Weeks

Nowadays, most people suffer from excess body fat. However, fat does not only accumulate in the stomach area, but it is also present on the arms. Furthermore, many people have fat accumulated only in the arm area, which means that the rest of the body is normal, but the arms are fatter.

Still, there are some changes that you can introduce into your everyday diet and lifestyle in order do prevent arm fat. Here’s what you can do:

  • Have regular smaller meals
  • Always have breakfast
  • Eat fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid unhealthy snacks
  • Drink more water
  • Drink green tea
  • Do exercises

What’s the No. 1 Exercise for Eliminating Arm Fat?

Triangle pushups are the best exercise for this purpose and activate most arm muscles. You can do triangle pushups either on your knees or toes, and it does not require any kind of equipment. So, all you need to have is a minute of free time.

How to Do Triangle Pushups?

Place your hands under the chest and form a triangle with them. The top of the triangle should be formed with your left and right middle finger tips. While the straight line base of the triangle should be formed by the left and right thumbs pointed toward one another. Make sure your core is stable and keep your body in a straight line as you do the pushups.

Other Efficient Exercises for Eliminating Arm Fat?


In order to do this exercise you should find an item in your home with a decent weight or 2-liter bottle filled with water. Hold the item/bottle with both hands and read more

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Holy God! If I Had Known Before .. Freezing Lemons Can Cure All This

The first thing we all think about when we are talking about dietary sources of vitamin C is lemons. They actually contain a lot of this vitamin and this is one of the most important ones when it comes to the human body. Vitamin C is very important for our immune system and the body’s ability to fight infections. Nevertheless, this does not mean that only fresh lemon and lemon juice are great for boosting the vitamin C levels. Actually, there is one other special way of consuming this fruit which will boost the defenses of your body even more.

What we are talking about here, and what studies have shown is that frozen lemons are great to use and they will offer you benefits that both juicing or eating fresh fruits will not. The simple trick we are about to present to you will help you use the whole lemon together with the peel as well. This is good because the peel is known for its nutrient density and the incredible health benefits it offers. Therefore, we should not throw it away when we are using the lemon, but instead, we should use the peel in our meals. Apart from boosting our immune system, the lemon peels can assist us in fighting against cancer, which is a great reason to read more

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9 Signs You’re Overstressed and Don’t Know It

Science and medicine have become so advanced nowadays that we can actually see how much chaos can be caused in our body from stress. Therefore, this can cause different problems and serious diseases to the mind and body.

What stress does is it weakens our immune system and it accelerates our aging process. Moreover, it increases the risk of Parkinson’s disease and it makes us exposed to different colds and viruses.

The symptoms of stress are basically still not very known, so, this means that you cannot see it immediately. Thus, it can lead to bigger damage to the health.

When our body senses stress, it can react in different ways, like:

  • The main organs- the stomach and the colon will start giving up slowly bit by bit.
  • The body will need more blood, so it will take it from the stomach and the colon.
  • Thus, the food will stay there and it will rot in the colon.
  • 90% of the diseases in the colon are fought by the immune system.
  • So, when we lack blood, the organs are getting older faster.

What this means is that you need to be able to recognize the earliest signs and symptoms of being over-stressed. This way you will be able to act on time and start a proper treatment.

9 Signs You Are Over-Stressed

1. Hair Loss

The founder of the Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology Carolyn Jacob claims that the first signs of being over-stressed are hair changes. According to some studies, we lose 100 hairs a day, this happens even if you are healthy. However, the stress changes the normal physiologic functions and the loss of hair is higher.

2. Constantly Feeling Anxious

If you are feeling anxious or restless often, read more

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