4 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer That Every Woman Needs To Know

At the present time, cancer is the leading cause of death in nearly all countries around the world.  In fact, it is to blame for over 30 percent of all deaths in Canada alone, which is much more compared to any other disease.  As estimated by the Canadian and American Cancer Societies, ovarian cancer had 2800 new cases and 1750 deaths in Canada, and 22,280 new cases and 14,240 deaths in the United States in 2016 alone.


Ovarian cancer develops when the cells of the ovaries form tumors that become malignant.  It is often referred to as “the silent killer” as it shows little or no symptoms, which are quite difficult to detect with screening.  While it is most common in post-menopausal women, it has recently started affecting younger women in their 30s and 40s. According to a recent research, early cancer detection notably increases the chances of survival, so regular check-ins are must.

Unfortunately, currently there isn’t any reliable test.  CA125 blood tests may give false negatives while smear tests are not capable of picking up malignant cells.  There is yet another problem, though.  Many of the symptoms are often mistaken read more

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You Should Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut About These 5 Things

Many of us have a habit of expressing too much to people who are not worth it. We like being an open book and don’t have an issue with it but clearly some people don’t have the ethics to keep it to themselves. They will often go around taking benefit of the knowledge they have about us, twisting it in their own words and expressing it differently to people who don’t know us. This leads to a bad impression and weird gossip and no one wants that. Everyone likes a bit of mystery.

This is why it is so important to know who you can trust and give out information about yourself, as not everyone will be nice about it. It is also useful to know what to expect from people and recognize their vibe.

In this world you cannot go around trusting everyone and getting hurt later just because you didn’t double check on them. Try to keep things to yourself when you get a bad vibe from a person. Trust your guts.

1. Past Resentments

We all have bad and weird stuff to share from the past. It can be anything from the girl you hated in school to your coming out story.

Firstly, you must try your best to let these negative feelings go. And if you cannot, the second best option is to communicate positively about it with read more

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You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well

It may interest you to know that adrenal gland issues can affect the health of your hair, nails and even your sleep quality.

Your adrenal glands are located on the top part of your kidneys and they are endocrine glands. These glands are responsible for the release of several hormones, such as steroids and adrenaline.

The importance of these hormones cannot be overemphasized, as they help to regulate your blood pressure, boost your immunity and your rate of metabolism.

Your body is better equipped to handle stress with these hormones released in your body, so any obstruction to the function of the adrenal glands can lead to a myriad of health problems.

You can get your adrenal gland up and running again with a homemade natural recipe involving the use of Brazilian walnuts.

Here’s what you require and how this remedy is prepared:

  • Pure natural honey
  • Parsley leaves (Dried)
  • Ginger (Ground)
  • Brazilian walnuts
  • Raisins


  • The first thing you need to do is to incorporate the dried parsley leaves and Brazilian walnuts into a blender and blend them.
  • Next, add your raisins, ground ginger and pure honey.
  • Blend the entire ingredients until you have a homogeneous mixture.


  • Consume
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This Is What Your Fingernails Say About Your Health

Excellent health does not imply only having a great body, eating right and exercising. It may come as a surprise, but your fingernails can be one of the key pointers to a bad health. Here are some of those things:

Our nails, when look at the can seem very different: you may notice, white spots, change in color, cracks or bumps and others. These things usually do not matter but they can be extremely essential when it comes to your fingernails’ health.Because of that only a medic may notice these changes.

If you put your hand in front of your nose and examine nail after nail you can notice the thickness or thinness of your nails, their shape, shade and surface. Try to detect any differences in them. It is very important for you to spot and acknowledge these changes because they are the most common indicator of other health problems.

The 8 most frequent alerts are:

1. Ridges:

The normal nail is usually flat and smooth and does not have visible ridges on it. These ridges may indicate various problems with your health such as:

  • — Lupus ( red lines occurring at the root of your nail)
  • — Iron deficiency
  • — Inflammation such as arthritis
  • Vertical and horizontal ridges are both not to be overseen.

2. Pale Or No-Color Nails

The normal nail color is bright pink and round-shaped at the root. Shades or any other color appearance can mean different health problem, read more

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Early Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body

Cancer is a very insidious disease. Even the forms of detection that are considered to be the best like for example tests and routine check-ups are not that reliable. Any strange symptom that you find suspicious and unexplained can help you detect it on time.

Here, we’re presenting you 20 of the 20 early signs that you should never ignore:

Wheezing and shortness of breath

These signs are considered to be the earliest signs for the appearance of lung cancer in your body.

Chest pain and chronic cough

According to some patients, pain down the arm as well as chest pain and cough are also pretty common. Some types of cancers like leukemia and lung tumors can even mimic symptoms of a chronic cough.

Recurrent fever and infections

Infections as well as frequent fever can signify leukemia which we all know is one type of a blood tumor that develops in the bone marrow. It makes the marrow produce abnormal white blood cells which later attack your whole immune system.

Difficulty swallowing

Having difficulties swallowing may signify the presence of throat, lung or esophageal cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes on the underarms, groin and neck

These are often negative changes in the lymph system and they are mostly caused by cancer.

Bruising and bleeding that don’t stop

This sign means that there’s a disturbance in the platelets and red blood cells. It can be caused by leukemia. The amount of white blood read more

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The Cancer Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods, Time to Start Eating Them

This article will certainly tell you some good news!

Namely, a recent medical research pointed out the existence of 7 ordinary, and what’s more- delicious, foods and drinks which can effectively combat cancer!

These beneficial foods do not feed cancer cells, and on the contrary, they prevent the development of tumors. Nevertheless, these foods and drinks are probably some of your favorite!

They include red wine, tomatoes, blueberries, curry, black chocolate and green tea. Moreover, experts even believe that they are even more powerful than chemo!

So, which hidden qualities give them this power?

The normal process of creation of blood vessels in the body is called angiogenesis. This process is enhanced in some stages in life, for instance, in newborns. On the other hand, this function is not often performed later in life, only in cases such as in restoring the tissues and capillaries in wounds.

The role of activators and inhibitor molecules is the regulation of this process. In most cases, the inhibitors are more important, but then the activators of angiogenesis become necessary in order to stimulate the increased vascular cell growth for the formation of new blood vessels.

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Women Are Putting Cabbage Leaves on Their Breast, Reason Behind It Will Make You Happy

Before we start, you should know that many women in American and European countries are using this amazing and very useful method. YES, you got that right – they put cabbage leaves on their breasts. Did you know that cabbage leaves are used to reduce breast swelling and relieve the pain and discomfort that breast feeding a baby can cause? Well yes, and you should know that this method is also very helpful in soothing the pain and stress caused by wearing an uncomfortable bra.

  • How this works – well, cabbage leaves have the same properties as magnets! They pull out all the diseases and ailments from our bodies.
  • Study confirms – if you are breastfeeding and you put cold cabbage leaves directly on your breasts, it’s not only soothing, but it can help alleviate your breast pain and swelling.

How to Use Cabbage Leaves:

Here’s what you need to do – first, you should put the cabbage in the refrigerator for 1 hour. When it’s cold enough, you need to peel off the outer layer of leaves, and throw them away. Then, pull off two of the inner leaves to use. Now, you need to wash these two inner leaves in cold water. You want to be sure that they are clean and free from dirt, pesticides, and residue.

After that, you should cut the stem of the leaves so it can fit properly on your breasts without covering the nipples. Place the clean, cold cabbage leaves on your breasts. Wrap the leaves around your breast, but leave your nipples exposed. If you keep the leaves off of your nipples, it will help the skin read more

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Retired Pharmacy Chief Said: “ The World Needs to Know, Alkaline Water Kills Cancer” – This is How to Prepare It!

You’ve probably heard it or read that cancer cells cannot live in alkaline water because this alkaline water is extremely powerful!


The pH (potential hydrogen) scale runs from zero to fourteen, and 7 is the neutral middle. A substance with a pH of less than 7 is an acid. A basic or alkaline substance has a pH of greater than 7. Your tap water is generally a mixture of chlorine, antibiotics, hormones and other metals that will go straight into your system after you drink it.

This kind of impure water can cause a weakened immune system and an array of other illnesses that occur when the immune system is vulnerable. When our bodies become too acidic, we feel low energy, fatigue, digestive issues, weight gain and other side effects that are completely avoidable just by drinking pure water and eating fresh organic vegetables with a healthy acid/alkaline balance


Food can determine our overall pH levels and that has been known for centuries. Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, who was a Nobel Prize winner in 1931, discovered that that up to 95% of all cancers have the acidic environment as the cause behind them. He also managed to prove that cancers cannot thrive in an alkaline environment where read more

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What Happens to Your Kidneys When You Ingest Baking Soda

Baking soda is something you can find in almost every home across the US. It is a fine powder that we use for just about everything.

While it is used for cleaning and other things of the sort, it is also used for medical reasons. People use baking soda to raise their pH level, treat allergic reactions to things like poison ivy, remove splinters, and even stop the progression of kidney failure. Yes, you read that right baking soda can be used to help stop the progression of kidney failure. If you are looking to improve your kidney health this is the remedy for you.

Baking Soda Kidney Health Remedy


  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Water


  • This will take a few days to carry out and on each day things will be a little different so pay close attention.
  • On the first day simply place a teaspoon of baking soda under your tongue and let it dissolve.
  • On the second day mix a teaspoon of baking soda with half of a teaspoon
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I Feel 5 Years Younger – An Eye Cream Made of 3 Ingredients: It Erases the Wrinkles Like With a Rubber!

Every woman starts to dislike even the slightest wrinkles around her eyes as she ages. The female skin is soft and delicate and is a mirror of her beauty.

As the years pass by, the skin starts to lose its elasticity and wrinkles begin to appear.

Numerous women use various high-quality cosmetics to fight the consequences of aging on their skin, trying to hydrate and nourish the skin properly. However, we will suggest a completely natural and cheap eye cream which provides marvelous effects!

This one cream has been used by a 54 years old woman from Brighton, England. After a month of using this cream she said: “I feel 5 years younger, my wrinkles have almost disappeared”.

Its ingredients are hypoallergenic, yet we suggest that you test it on a smaller area for allergic reactions.


  • 2 blisters of vitamin E
  • 2 drops of essential thyme oil
  • 1 spoonful of coconut oil


In a bowl, add the ingredients and mix them well. Then, transfer the eye cream in a suitable container, and store it in the fridge.


You should apply it gently around the eyes, massaging the area, 2 hours before going to bed. Use a tissue to wipe the excess.

This miraculous elixir will rejuvenate the thin skin of the eyelids, cleanse the eyes, and help you remove the makeup. read more

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