Tag: Lemons

After You See What Happens, You’ll Freeze Lemons for the Rest of Your Life!

Lemons are one of the most nutritious and beneficial foods you can consume as they are high in important ingredients.

They strengthen the overall health, while preventing all kinds of health conditions and ailments.

Lemons have unique compounds, known as limonoids, which efficiently prevent the proliferation of cancer cells, especially in the case of breast cancer. Numerous studies have shown that it has a strong positive effect on the entire body and therefore, it is advised to be consumed regularly.

However, only a few know that the peel of the lemon is actually the part that is the richest source of vitamins and nutrients in it. Despite its powerful anti-carcinogenic properties, the lemon peel also detoxifies the body and protects it from bacteria, fungi, parasites and worms.

Yet, we will reveal you a simple, but delicious way to consume this beneficial fruit- by freezing it!

You should wash the lemons well, and then place them in the freezer, or to accelerate the process, you can initially slice it into small pieces and freeze it then.

When the lemons are entirely frozen, grind them, and add them to your dessert, ice cream, smoothie, or salad. In this way, you will enrich the taste read more

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This Is How To Use Frozen Lemons and Say Goodbye to Diabetes, Tumors, Obesity

One of the world’s most beneficial fruits is the lemon, and because of its countless health benefits and the unique scent and taste, they are very often added to various recipes. Using lemons will help you with various types of cancer as well as with diabetes.

The lemons are an excellent way to detoxify the body, but when juiced the lemon loses many of its nutrients and a great part of the medicinal potential. On the contrary, freezing it is a better option. Its peel makes stronger the immune system, as well as offers many health properties such as regulating cholesterol, treating bacterial infections, preventing cancer as well as destroying worms and parasites.

These are the health benefits of this miraculous fruit:  Prevention of asthma, treating depression and stress, Regulation of high blood pressure, Detoxification of the kidneys and the liver, fighting inflammation, Boosting the immune system, Elimination of harmful bacteria, Fighting cancer and diabetes etc.

The lemon juice is extremely high in vitamin C, while its rind is effective in eliminating toxins from the body. Researches have shown that the lemon peel actually contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins. In the past, read more

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Holy God! If I Had Known Before .. Freezing Lemons Can Cure All This

The first thing we all think about when we are talking about dietary sources of vitamin C is lemons. They actually contain a lot of this vitamin and this is one of the most important ones when it comes to the human body. Vitamin C is very important for our immune system and the body’s ability to fight infections. Nevertheless, this does not mean that only fresh lemon and lemon juice are great for boosting the vitamin C levels. Actually, there is one other special way of consuming this fruit which will boost the defenses of your body even more.

What we are talking about here, and what studies have shown is that frozen lemons are great to use and they will offer you benefits that both juicing or eating fresh fruits will not. The simple trick we are about to present to you will help you use the whole lemon together with the peel as well. This is good because the peel is known for its nutrient density and the incredible health benefits it offers. Therefore, we should not throw it away when we are using the lemon, but instead, we should use the peel in our meals. Apart from boosting our immune system, the lemon peels can assist us in fighting against cancer, which is a great reason to read more

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