Tag: Insomnia

If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These Microelements

Most of us tend to think that symptoms like headaches, lack of energy, and insomnia are symptoms of hard work.

Though this forms one part of the reason, the other reason can be low levels of some crucial vitamins in your body, specifically magnesium and vitamin K. This article will give you all the fast facts you need to know about these important microelements, so just keep reading.


Magnesium is one of the most important vitamins your body needs in order to function properly. It takes part in over 300 chemical reactions that happen in your body!

It’s responsible for creating protein from amino acids, boosting your energy, soothing pain and reducing anxiety and stress, among many other things.

Low magnesium levels have been known to cause the reduction of serotonin levels (the happy hormone), therefore, triggering health issues such as depression and fatigue. Consistent low magnesium levels can eventually lead to even worse health issues in the long-run, such as hormone imbalances, digestive issues, hypertension, etc.

Magnesium sources

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Swallow THIS, Fall Asleep Almost Instantly, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed

Do you have difficulty falling asleep and wake up in the middle of the night?

Chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of chronic health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

The good news is, there is a simple mixture which can help you sleep like a baby.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of raw honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt

How to prepare and use the mixture?

1st option:

Combine honey and coconut oil in a bowl and add some salt. Mix well. Consume one tbsp. of the mixture, and then have a glass of water.

2nd option:

Take coconut oil and raw honey separately, and have a glass of water. Then you can add sea salt in a small cup of water and consume it.

In case you wake up in the middle of the night, take the mixture again and you will fall back asleep in an hour or less.

Why this mixture helps?

Coconut oil is rich in healthy fats which supply your body with energy during the night. Consuming it before going to sleep prevents waking up hungry. It also prevents increasing of the blood sugar levels which often is the cause for sleeping disorders.

Honey improves the quality of your sleep. It provides proper amount of storage of liver glycogen for the brain. When there is lack of glycogen to provide energy for the brain, the read more

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