Tag: Cancer

It Heals Everything Except Death! This Ancient Remedy “Cures All Diseases” HIV, AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis & More …

The God’s plant – this is the unique herb that is mentioned in the Qur’an and the Bible. Lots of people believe that this herb is created by God himself. That is why people can use it to treat all illnesses and diseases, but death.

This is one of the most famous herbs in the history of medicine. People in ancient Egypt used it to treat cold, infections, headaches, and toothaches, to improve their digestion.

The Cure for Everything

Black cumin, Nigella sativa or cumin –people used the black cumin seeds in Egypt. Today these seeds are known to be one of the most powerful herbs, which can be used to treat and prevent different diseases and help you with many health problems. Many people call this herb – the cure for all diseases because it’s used to treat different health problems and conditions.

More than 200 studies have proven the health benefits of this extraordinary seed. The black cumin seed has several health benefits and it’s useful in treating different diseases, especially the auto-immune health problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis.

This herb is also useful in lowering the high blood pressure, it read more

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Retired Pharmacy Chief Said: “ The World Needs To Know, Alkaline Water Kills Cancer” – This is How To Prepare It!

You’ve probably heard it or read that cancer cells cannot live in alkaline water because this alkaline water is extremely powerful!


The pH (potential hydrogen) scale runs from zero to fourteen, and 7 is the neutral middle. A substance with a pH of less than 7 is an acid. A basic or alkaline substance has a pH of greater than 7. Your tap water is generally a mixture of chlorine, antibiotics, hormones and other metals that will go straight into your system after you drink it.

This kind of impure water can cause a weakened immune system and an array of other illnesses that occur when the immune system is vulnerable. When our bodies become too acidic, we feel low energy, fatigue, digestive issues, weight gain and other side effects that are completely avoidable just by drinking pure water and eating fresh organic vegetables with a healthy acid/alkaline balance


Food can determine our overall pH levels and that has been known for centuries. Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, who was a Nobel Prize winner in 1931, discovered that that up to 95% of all cancers have the acidic environment as the cause behind them. He also managed to prove that cancers cannot thrive in an alkaline environment where read more

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5 Early Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Many people because of ignorance and disbelief survive heart attacks and have it “on the feet”. Your body sends clear signals about cancer, and it is up to you to recognize them. These are some unusual signs that you should not ignore because according to the World Health Organization from 1970 to 2000 the number of heart disease increased by 300 percent.

Swollen legs

The big serving of fatty foods that you had for dinner, pizza or hamburger, it does not have to be the sole reason why you feel “like a balloon.” The swollen and heavy legs can be an indicator that something is wrong with your heart. The fluid retention is a common symptom when the heart does not pump and does not process the blood properly. Before you get afraid, ask yourself why your feet are swollen and it is advisable to see a doctor if you think it does not have anything with the food you have eaten. This may be the first sign of cancer.


There are several types of headaches and not each one of it is a sign that your heart is weaker. But, if the pain is accompanied by yet another symptom such as dizziness, it may indicate an aneurysm and requires immediate medical examination.

Stomach cramps

Chest pain or uncomfortable tingling of your read more

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How To Recognize Skin Cancer – This Could Save Your Life!

One of the most common diseases in the US is skin cancer. Approximately 5 million people receive the skin cancer treatment every year. So, statistics show that every year the number of patients that are diagnosed with skin cancer is greater than patients that are diagnosed with breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer together.

It is very unfortunate but experts claim that one in five Americans develops skin cancer at one point in their life. So, what you need to do here is be able to recognize the signs of skin cancer. This will literally change your life, especially when it is a question of life and death. Therefore, we advise you to be very careful about the following symptoms.

How to Recognize Skin Cancer- Symptoms

1. You will have irregular, asymmetric moles. The normal ones usually look very round and symmetric.

2. Any moles that have unequal and interrupted borders.

3. Normal moles usually are in one color. If there are different colors like black, brown, gray, and blue, then it means that there is something wrong.

4. The diameter of the mole needs to be larger than a quarter inch.

5. There will usually be changes in the mole through your life. It will change in color, shape, and size.

Therefore, if you see or feel that read more

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How To Recognize Skin Cancer – This Could Save Your Life!

One of the most common diseases in the US is skin cancer. Approximately 5 million people receive the skin cancer treatment every year. So, statistics show that every year the number of patients that are diagnosed with skin cancer is greater than patients that are diagnosed with breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer together.

It is very unfortunate but experts claim that one in five Americans develops skin cancer at one point in their life. So, what you need to do here is be able to recognize the signs of skin cancer. This will literally change your life, especially when it is a question of life and death. Therefore, we advise you to be very careful about the following symptoms.

How to Recognize Skin Cancer- Symptoms

1. You will have irregular, asymmetric moles. The normal ones usually look very round and symmetric.

2. Any moles that have unequal and interrupted borders.

3. Normal moles usually are in one color. If there are different colors like black, brown, gray, and blue, then it means that there is something wrong.

4. The diameter of the mole needs to be larger than a quarter inch.

5. There will usually be changes in the mole through your life. It will change in color, shape, and size.

Therefore, if you see or feel that read more

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